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Forum nameGeneral Discussion
Topic subjectGood point.
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=13200289&mesg_id=13202540
13202540, Good point.
Posted by denny, Sat Oct-14-17 11:15 AM
But that's the nature of these platforms. They are inherently contradictory of each other. Intersectionality simply doesn't work. It's not logically coherent. So Dunham will stick to the platforms where SHE gets to moralize and point fingers and she will tap-dance around the platforms that categorize her in the oppressor role. I'm sure she would try to employ some ally type talk but she will NEVER spend very much time on race issues.

People heavily invested in critical theory will ALWAYS downplay the versions in which they are part of the oppressor group. They exhibit power-seeking behavior and in issues of race, Dunham is powerless. (Obviously, I'm saying this in the context of the leftist environment..not society as a whole)

If memory serves...she has had some race-type transgressions. Something to do with Odelle Beckham I think? Not sure if the accusations were fair though.