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Topic subjectThe horse is dead but one point of clarification.
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=13200289&mesg_id=13201971
13201971, The horse is dead but one point of clarification.
Posted by Buddy_Gilapagos, Thu Oct-12-17 02:04 PM
Of course Donna Karan was victim blaming. I didn't say otherwise. Not sure why you would think I was saying otherwise or doubting that (other than you think the worst in folks). My point is that you were suggesting I was victim blaming by comparing my question to Donna Karan's statement. Then turn around and acknowledge that other (respectable) people were doing the same.

>have fun out there.
>and btw - yeah, Karan was victim-blaming. and she walked back
>her horrendous question about what the women were wearing and
>whether that should be considered a factor in any of this b/c
>gladly someone hipped her to the idea that the question is
>bullshit. b/c the answer is obvious to those who've already
>worked through the issue.
>some questions...i guess i have to remember folks out there in
>the big wide world are working through various issues on their
>own schedule and plenty are just starting out. so like w/this
>topic i know there are ppl who just haven't thought about this
>shit before and so they ask questions that are like
>"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" to me or anyone else who's worked through
>this stuff for a while. and hell i'm still asking questions
>on plenty other topics that set off "!!!!!!!!!!" for plenty
>ppl. so i see that. but fuck it i'm me and i'm impatient.
>i'm not a hand-holder. at least on topics that really set me
>off. other ppl will hold hands and gently walk newbies
>through the thorns and patiently answer ridiculous horrendous
>offensive questions. i won't.

And get over yourself. No one is asking you to hold their hand. I ask the questions because I am just curious about other peoples POV, not because I need you to school me.

And you got your head up your own ass if you think I'd need YOU to school me on this shit when I was raised by a career mom and got a wife with a career who deals with this all of her life as well. That I would need you to tell me what it's like to be a woman in uncomfortable sexually inappropriate but suppose to be professional situations?

This sort of self-important condescension is why the term "Woke" has become a joke.


"Everyone has a plan until you punch them in the face. Then they don't have a plan anymore." (c) Mike Tyson

"what's a leader if he isn't reluctant"