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Topic subjectTo be clear I am not talking about anyone in a subordinate position
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=13200289&mesg_id=13201386
13201386, To be clear I am not talking about anyone in a subordinate position
Posted by Buddy_Gilapagos, Tue Oct-10-17 06:07 PM
Im not talking about Rose McGowan, Tomi-Ann Roberts, Katherine Kendall or even a Young Gwenyth Paltrow.

I am asking about people that genuinely became power centers in their own right like Gwenyth Paltrow, Angelina Jolie, Bradd Pitt (or Matt Damon or Ben Affleck assuming they knew about it and said nothing) who continue to work with Harvey Weinstein.

If Quentin Tarantino knows that Harvey Weinstein rapes women, and he does a film with HW, is he an enabler?

Or going back to subordinates, if an assistant arranges a hotel rendezvous for HW and knows that HW will use it as an opportunity to attack a girl, is that assistant an enabler?

I understand while any individual wouldn't come forward alone (regardless of their power) but I guess I am wondering when you cross the line into an enabler when you continue to work with such a clearly terrible person.

When do you move into Joe Paterno terroritory.

>why other ppl had to make the claims for me.
>they were well-trained.
>but i didn't come forward sooner when it happened to me b/c i
>didn't think anyone would care and i didn't think anything
>would happen and so i thought it was best to just ignore it
>and keep on pressing. but it turned out that other ppl
>witnessed in the one situation and that created a 'hostile
>work environment' for THEM so that claim was really theirs too
>and i was a witness though really the guy was harassing ME. i
>didn't know that was a thing. and then the next time i felt i
>had to tell my supervisor why i wouldn't work on a project w/a
>certain dude and she was like well i have to report this to HR
>and i said why and she was like it's in the handbook if i
>don't report i could be punished so i'm going to and then
>there was a thing and he lost his job and all that but he was
>foolish enough to write down the come-on on a document i had
>to file w/the fedz...so i dunno. but anyway even w/evidence i
>didn't think anyone cared. both times the employer took swift
>action. and no one ever challenged me or asked why i didn't
>speak up.
>i'm glad they didn't.

"Everyone has a plan until you punch them in the face. Then they don't have a plan anymore." (c) Mike Tyson

"what's a leader if he isn't reluctant"