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Topic subjectname one thing other than saving jon (once) that's she's done
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=13173863&mesg_id=13187397
13187397, name one thing other than saving jon (once) that's she's done
Posted by MiracleRic, Tue Aug-22-17 10:48 AM

she's still dumb for undermining Jon in front of everyone else

she could have easily talked sense to him in private without being a disrespectful little shit who has lots of "don't do this" but zero "do this instead"

(btw his crazy plans worked outside of the Ramsey trap - Robb was actually smart but made a fatal mistake...Ned and Jon are a bit slow but it's their lack of underhandedness that makes them seem stupid)

his gamble worked when it came to Dany

his focus is on everyone surviving the night king's army

her focus is on her surviving her next victimizer

Jon has made a lot of the right moves long term except for the battle of the bastards...even the choice he made that got him shanked was a smart choice...he needed the new additional numbers but he also shouldn't have turned his back on the obvious mutiny-prone NW

Sansa has had just about every male character save her plus Brienne and it's often just by existing