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Forum nameGeneral Discussion
Topic subjectI get the point
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=13183887&mesg_id=13184309
13184309, I get the point
Posted by BigReg, Mon Aug-14-17 01:12 PM
The thing is when I delete a post its not as if im like, 'FUCK THESE NIGGAS, THAT WAS FUCKED UP'. Im like, 'ehh, this is getting stupid/redundant'.

like there's no new info, new knowledge gained, no yuks, not even good drama if half the post is just two people going back and forth saying 'Fuck you' 'No Fuck you'.

There's been a bunch of that but at least eventually someone ends with a 'k' (c) SoWhat.

that was just going on and on. Its not the old dasy where people were taking it that personally where they might actually try to do something to fuck with each other IRL which is why I said I leave you guy to work it out within *reason* , but if we just gonna devolve the post into just cursing at each other might as well inbox.