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Forum nameGeneral Discussion
Topic subjectI never said something about you.
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=13183682&mesg_id=13183834
13183834, I never said something about you.
Posted by denny, Sat Aug-12-17 10:56 PM
You consistently attack me personally. I stick to the issue and don't subscribe racial characteristics to you. You're the one resorting to that EVERYTIME because you've been taught to. Anti-white racism is sanctioned by the left. It's in our schools and it's in our media.

Go to any country in the world....and start a race campaign that targets 60% of the population. There will be a backlash in EVERY single instance.

See....there's something to take from this interaction. You think the alt-right is growing stronger because counter-protests aren't strong enough. You clearly asserted that opinion above. I think the alt-right is growing stronger because it's a backlash against post-modernist, leftist rhetoric. That's why the alt-right does not look like the orphaned skinheads of the 90's. They look like middle class white kids who are misguided in responding to the anti-white rhetoric that surrounds them.

Keep talking about 'white fragility', 'whiteness as a disease', college courses called 'eradicating whiteness'....'white people shouldn't criticize black people'......all that shit is fueling this backlash. It doesn't take a brain surgeon to anticipate the response. The fact is....we are encouraging identity politics with EVERYONE except for whites and jews. Then we act shocked when whites or jews start engaging in their own identity politics. There is a very sharp line between the contexts of advocating 'black power' and 'white power'. This is NOT a line that we should assume people will navigate in healthy ways.

BTW...it should be noted...Jews have been characterized in the past as being the canaries in the coal mine for civil unrest and racial persecution. Well....Jews are maligned by the left....the star of david banned from gay pride....Israel the great white oppressor. Except when you go to the other side....Jews are the number one target of the alt-right. Not white enough for the alt-right. White enough for the progressive left. They are the ONLY identifiable group that is attacked by BOTH sides of the extremes....and I would suggest they are in great danger as an identifiable group as this polarization continues.