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Topic subjectRE: Democracy is attacking whites?
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13177697, RE: Democracy is attacking whites?
Posted by Willong, Wed Jul-26-17 09:42 AM

>Capitalism doesn't do that ?

In capitalism, companies and individuals compete in order to better service the consumer. This is different from the competition in democracy where groups compete in order to control other groups.

>The "white man tribe" didn't do anything to reinforce that ?

Yes, upon re-reading I realized I was too easy on the white man tribe. As the controller of the government, that tribe did unbelievable damage to other groups.

>They are the most powerful but they couldn't stop Trump or the
>Republican Congress from taking control of the state ?

They are the most powerful of the oppositional tribes. Trump won because he faced Clinton, and even so he won on a technicality. Republicans solidly control congress but the key progressive achievements of the last 50-60 years are not under any threat, despite alarmist rhetoric from Maddow et al. The progressive ship of government will steam on unimpeded as it did under George W. Bush and Ronald Reagan.

>Did any of these taxes go to programs that helped whites and
>excluded Black communities ? Sounds like you are giving the
>white man tribe progressives too much credit.

Yes I did. Witness the soaring cost of public education and higher learning. Progressives dump billions into programs that benefit institutions they have controlled for decades at the expense of consumers and taxpayers. They enlarged the government bureaucracy and filled it with thousands of well paid progressives. This has occurred at all levels of government. On an ideological level, they have manipulated history curriculums and placed white progressive saviours at the center of American history.

>The tech bubble, S&L loan scandal, Housing bubble is good
>capitalism ?

No. Good capitalism is free market capitalism. Progressives control the federal reserve and regulatory agencies(with input from crony corporations). They believe they can centrally plan the economy, but fail repeatedly. In the process, the crony corporations get rich and the bureaucracy grows, supposedly to prevent future crises. They in fact thrive on crises.

So you and Thomas Sowell believe Blacks and
>Whites would be closer to economic equality today if it wasn't
>for the Great Society programs ?

That is what I have garnered from his writing, yes. The trend was already going in that direction.

What about the tribe that
>can't handle the success of Black communities, would
>capitalism stop them ?

The consumers are king under capitalism. They don't care who makes the superior product, they care that it is superior. Evidence for this is the millions of white racists that spend thousands of dollars on Asian goods and Hispanic services. They may talk shit about the "foreigners" and how they are "taking jobs", but they keep coming back for more. Asian millionaires are sprouting up all over the place. They don't fear white racists and people who resent their success. They fear the taxing and regulatory power of the government. If you reduce the ability to tax and regulate, you lower barriers to entry for groups that have not seen the levels of success they otherwise would.

>So Reagan is part of the white man tribe but he's not really
>because he was faking it ?

He had many people fooled. Maybe even himself, he was pretty dim.

Progressives have a tribe that's
>different from that white man tribe and it is the most
>powerful "oppositional" tribe ?

I think so, yes. You can see in this thread white men who express a dislike for that tribe.

>So it's all progressives fault ?

No. The white man tribe does deserve much criticism for the way it used the government to enrich itself, but I think in many ways the progressives are worse.

It's another group that uses
>white genocide, are you in that tribe ?

I am against democracy, especially centralized leviathan states like the US govt, so I don't participate in the tribal conflicts. But I'm white if that's what you are asking.