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Forum nameGeneral Discussion
Topic subjectI'm a white male, and to me, we (also, don't let white women off the hook)
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=13177191&mesg_id=13177494
13177494, I'm a white male, and to me, we (also, don't let white women off the hook)
Posted by J_Stew, Tue Jul-25-17 02:40 PM
deserve every bit of ire we are getting. Black people have had to prove "they were one of the good ones" and "a credit to their race" for far too long. I don't mind having to do it now.

White people being (in their minds) the arbiters of morality and the barometers for what is socially acceptable is a fucking joke.

Every culture has assholes, crooks, and liars, and humans, in general, can't take criticism for shit, even when you're trying to help them, but I've always thought white people were extra-fragile emotionally. I still didn't see this coming.

I'm glad as fuck I'm in my 40s and don't have any kids.