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Topic subjecti'm dyin + feel you. i can never mention Wet N' Wild (md), Bahama Mamas
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=13162725&mesg_id=13163200
13163200, i'm dyin + feel you. i can never mention Wet N' Wild (md), Bahama Mamas
Posted by poetx, Tue Jun-06-17 09:07 PM
(the drainks and the place). prolly some more shit.

this before sinbad said how you had to have the laser eyes, scan quick and save it to the memory bank.

i had on some wraparound shades and was naive as a two year old playing peekaboo (ie, if i can't see you, you can't see me).

stared a bit too hard at some jawn (she wadn't een that fine, it's just that she had the hair peeking out the bottom of the swimsuit and i was kinda wondering, how that work?).


i will never ever bring that shit up again.

and we went on a anniversary trip to the bahamas and we took some bootleg ass booze cruise (ni&&as hijacked us from the hotel -- found out later this wasn't the official joint). we on some raggedy ass lil motorboat w/ a buncha white ppl, between the diesel fumes and the waves, i'm type nauseous, and drinking the 'free' bahama mamas is making me forget that (plus my home trainin).

i got no recollection of getting back to the hotel. she said i was performing an shit till i passed out. she ended up having to clean up earl from the hotel bathroom. a ninja almost got left in bahamas.

i was dumb af.

i don't even joke about that shit now.

peace & blessings,



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