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Forum nameGeneral Discussion
Topic subjecthow you gonna blame ppl for having a shitty product?
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=13162725&mesg_id=13162752
13162752, how you gonna blame ppl for having a shitty product?
Posted by double negative, Mon Jun-05-17 12:36 PM
those places are a JOKE and they have bad associations

if they wanted to bring in snake people money they would create side brands that were masquerading as indie shops and shut the fuck up about young people not wanting to go and pay a bunch of money for shitty food

i went to redlobster recently with folks randomly and after getting the bill we realized

1. they charge way to much for what the food is

2. for a bit less money we could have gone to an authentic place

also, snake people like city life

casual dining is associated with boring suburban living