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Topic subjecti had some neighbors from hell once
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=13147059&mesg_id=13148071
13148071, i had some neighbors from hell once
Posted by tex, Fri Apr-21-17 08:01 PM
they fucked around and got a pit bull
beautiful blue lopsided floppy-ear jawn
sweet as pie

but they chained it to a tree in the back yard
and she promptly went insane :/
she wld start barking at nothing
directly at sunset
and she wld go all nite long
i useta throw her turkey franks filled with benadryl
just to get a few hours of uninterrupted sleep

and that wasn't even the worst part

they also had a little free-range mutt
that wld also yap at absolutely nothing
all nite long
and right outside my bedroom window to boot

i seriously considered killing that dog at one point
i tried to catch it a gang of times
i was gonna drive it at least two counties away
and let it go
fucker was on to me tho :/


i ended up getting a ultrasonic dog dazer on amazon
it worked on the mutt
but the pit did not gaf
i think she barked herself deaf

we actually moved out because of them eventually
and even to this day
i don't think they realize how close they were
to getting shot, for real
dogs, humans, whatever
i'da felt horrible about the dogs tho :/

tl:dr: get the app

rosemary's babydaddy