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Topic subjectsure and if that were likely to increase the stigma
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=13147251&mesg_id=13147354
13147354, sure and if that were likely to increase the stigma
Posted by HotThyng76, Thu Apr-20-17 01:17 PM
thrown at a group of vulnerable ppl then i would be rightly scolded by your dumbass here.

but that's not the case, bitch.

so back the fuck up and stay in your place, fool.

the point i'm making here is that this sort of snickering and whispering does no good for anyone and actually hurts a group of ppl who don't need it.

HIV stigma is still very real and posts like this keep it alive.

so i'm pushing back.

of course, you're too stupid to see that.
