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Forum nameGeneral Discussion
Topic subjectI have failed in life
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=13147059&mesg_id=13147059
13147059, I have failed in life
Posted by AFRICAN, Thu Apr-20-17 07:42 AM
My firstborn, heir to goat herders and small farmers and object of many hopes and dreams,instilled since birth with purpose,love,compassion and destined for greatness,asked for a puppy.
I choked up and a montage of my son hugging a filthy beast and kissing the fucking dog flashed in front of my eyes.
What wrong turn in life did I take?
I truly thought he hated them too.
Too much TV with the relentless indoctrination that dogs are good and loyal 'friends' ?
Never being chased,bit or seeing the savage nature of the beasts in real life?
All this was going through my head when he poked me in the shoulder and looked at me with so much hope.
I sucked my teeth and cursed the ironies of fate.
I told him I'd think about it.