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Topic subjectyou're funny, dude © dilla...
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=13144682&mesg_id=13144921
13144921, you're funny, dude © dilla...
Posted by CyrenYoung, Fri Apr-14-17 05:45 PM
• you said "..everything but 'teleprompters' was dope.

• i replied that i think its one of the strongest songs, and mentioned that its one of the hardest songs on the album (it goes hard, as in the feel/mood of the song, not aggression)

• you responded with comparisons, suggesting that those were examples of 'hard(er)' songs

• i then replied, emphasizing that i used the term 'hard' in reference to the overall theme of the song (posse cut, braggadocio, etc.). comparison has nothing to do with it (there's room for all of it).

in short, i'm not attempting to convince you or change your opinion (even though we disagree, i still appreciate your perspective). i just wish we could have a convo about entertainment that doesn't involved comparisons.

*edit: your point about disliking the chorus (and why) is a much better example of communicating your opinion of the song than the comparisons.

it ain't no more to it. © b.i.g.

*skatin' the rings of saturn*

..and miles to go before i sleep...