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Topic subjectLuck that on the wrong day at the wrong time nothing happened to him
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=13143581&mesg_id=13143735
13143735, Luck that on the wrong day at the wrong time nothing happened to him
Posted by abcdmetrius, Tue Apr-11-17 02:59 PM
His entire reality of making it is that he worked hard enough to be successful from a physical stand point
How many times did he avoid a staph infection, or a car accident, or an on field injury? That's luck.
Any time everything has to go perfectly right for you to be successful then that's luck.
You don't have to be oprah or diddy to be a success. Not being them isn't failure.
But the reason black folks make it or don't is a lot flimsier than people that have "made it" are willing to admit.
I can run a list of 10 things off the top of my head that if things had went different for MY life then it would've been a lot different or non existent. I'm not special. I worked hard and got lucky.