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Topic subjectWell then improve the resouces
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=13135172&mesg_id=13135329
13135329, Well then improve the resouces
Posted by handle, Wed Mar-15-17 07:02 PM
>Healthcare is a scarce resource like anything else. There is
>a finite number of doctor-hours, drugs, supplies, etc.
>Price is typically the mechanism used to allocate scarce

So let's increase the number of physicians and clinics and hospitals. You know how you do that?? Did you say "free hand of the market??" - NO- just have the government FUND it.

Did you know they already do that - for the military? Medical Students can join the armed services and have the cost of their training completely paid for by the government. In return they commit to a number of years of services (1 year for each year the are in school) - service that pays pretty well, has a signing bonus and provides medical care to them.

Plus you get paid like 2K a month to go to school.

We could expand that program to train non-military physicians up pretty quickly. they do this is many, many other countries.

>If there is no price, then people have no incentive to not

Yeah, people TOTALLY want that - I need more operations please. And you can put in rules to prevent abuse without 'rationing it." You only get 1 cancer treatment a year - then you have to wait.

>Like dude said, when you don't have to even think about price
>you have no concerns at all about seeing a medical provider.
>So every concern you have will be check out. Even unnecessary
>things. You'll be going to the dermatologist to get a benign,
>but unsightly, discoloration taken care of. You will go to the
>doctor when you have a simple cold.

Yes, why shouldn't you go when you have a cold? Doesn't NEED to be a physician - could be a clinic near your house and have a nurse or nurse practitioner triage you and go from there. It's not exactly brain surgery.

>There has to be something that makes people have skin in the
>game, which is what co-pays and deductibles do. If there is no
>cost sharing, then there has to be rationing. And I think that
>would be much much worse

There's the binary thinking - think of it as a sliding scale. And you pay by paying taxes. Rich people (or just plain jackasses) get butthurt because an unemployed person gets medical care? Boo-hoo.

there is rationing now - you don't have any money you don't get help. Is that what Jesus/Allah/who-ever-the-fuck-you-pray-to would want??

And WHAT IS MORE IMPORTANT THAN YOUR HEALTH?? Isn't this exactly why we have a government? Or is it just to build walls, or make sure gays don't have as many rights??

Seriously - why isn't this seen as a service of the government?

I suggest it's because the American myth of "rugged individuation" and "manifest destiny.