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Forum nameGeneral Discussion
Topic subjectWTF?
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=13135172&mesg_id=13135241
13135241, WTF?
Posted by handle, Wed Mar-15-17 02:44 PM
The problem is that people have TOO MUCH HEALTHCARE????? This shit's been debunked a ZILLION MILLION TIMES.

You want people to make this choice: Should I go get this medical issue looked at by a professional - or should I use this money on rent instead??

I think YOU think that medical care is a luxury, like having an iPhone, and that the "free hand of the market" and "personal responsibility" should be evaluated.

Well - that's all wrong.

Healthcare is a necessity and a right. It's literally what the entire point of having a social contract and a government is about.

Disagree with it and we end up where the system is today.

Now you - you SHOULD stop your insurance coverage and just go fee for service. Then you could make the full decision of whether your can hold off being diagnosed for a month so you can pay for rent. (I paid April's rent early - AND my cancer metastasized! Yay for freedoms.)