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Topic subjectRepublicans will not admit: There are 5 distinct healthcare systems in the U.S.
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=13135172&mesg_id=13135172
13135172, Republicans will not admit: There are 5 distinct healthcare systems in the U.S.
Posted by handle, Wed Mar-15-17 12:23 PM
1)Socialized Medicine
This is run by the government using their own hospitals and doctors and is available to members of the armed services. Examples: Active duty medical care . Certain aspects of the VA/VHA system.

2)Single Payer
This is healthcare paid by the government completely - but the actual care takes place at private facilities. Examples: Medicare (and state run programs like Medi-Cal), TriCare (For reserves, and retired unless they qualify for VHA.)

3)Employer Based Insurance Private Coverage
These are insurance plans your employee signs up as a group and allows it's employees to enroll in. Sometimes the cost is minimal to the employee, other times they pay the full cost.

4)Private Insurance Coverage
This is insurance you pay for completely on your own. The terms of coverage and the need for profits are what determines the cost.

5)Fee for Service
If you have a lot of money you can just straight pay for services. Like break a leg and cut the hospital a check for $28k or whatever it costs.

Make no mistake , Republicans are against ALL of the options above except for #1, #4, and #5.

#1: because they are flag fuckers - but when push comes to shove they'd want to discharge the most injured/costly troops.

#4:They see personal profits from running these companies - and gaming the system.

#5: The option they want available to the rich and the impoverished alike.

Ryan's plan is pushing #5 the most - making #4 the only other option to most and then making sure over a short period of time more people slip into #5.

Edit: Yes - it's way more complex then whats up here - and I didn't list Medicare, Disability, high risk pools for states, Indian health care, Medicare Advantage (which is Medicare with profits going to insurance companies) etc. They fall into the main 5 I listed in some ways - and some have crossover. But my general point stands.