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Forum nameGeneral Discussion
Topic subjectevery time it snows, it's crazy to me who i see & dont see out shoveling
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=13134358&mesg_id=13135162
13135162, every time it snows, it's crazy to me who i see & dont see out shoveling
Posted by BigJazz, Wed Mar-15-17 12:09 PM
i see women out there and i KNOW they got able-bodied men in the house.

then there's the old guy that i always send back in the house when i see him shoveling. he's 2 scoops away from a heart attack. crazy part is that he has grown sons & son-in-laws (or is it sons-in-law) that live less than 30 minutes away and they never help. well, hardly ever. they did help during snowmageddon.

i don't see kids walking around offering to shovel for a few dollars. there's money to be had. people would gladly ante up to avoid going out there. but around my way, them youngins ain't interested.

and then you got the half assers that don't remove all the snow from their cars. fools clear a small part of the windshield & the back window and maybe the two front windows and they out.