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Topic subjectI agree with what you're saying....
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13118629, I agree with what you're saying....
Posted by denny, Thu Jan-26-17 08:17 PM
But that quote is problematic. I could go into more depths about ALL of those quotes but I think they mostly speak for themselves for OKPs.

But I'll break this one down a little further. Firstly, there are absolutely NO white people who are 'baffled' by him having black friends. He would probably like to THINK that's the case. But it really isn't. I mean...what does that 'baffled' state even look like in real life? 'Sheesh...it's so confusing that Neal is over there with a black guy. What's going on here' lol

Secondly, he's speaking as if he was a unicorn. There are hundreds of thousands (if not, millions) of white people who have black friends. He's portraying it as a secret 'black people's club' that has taught him the secret handshake. This turns black people into a monolith and himself into an authority.

BTW...all of these quotes are from ONE interview. I've read others and we could list ALOT more effed up things he says. The very idea of suggesting you are an 'ambassador' (he actually uses that word) or spokesperson for black people is so incredibly offensive imo.

Earlier in the interview he says 'People are often surprised that I didn't grow up in a black community'. NO THEY ARE NOT lol. In fact...i could pretty much GUARANTEE that he didn't grow up in a black community because those whites who have would never talk like this. The offensive shit he says is like the FIRST thing you learn NOT to say as a white minority in a black group. I say this as someone who probably made similar mistakes or said similar things when I was around 12 or 13 years old and got checked for it right away. What I CAN see as being common for him....He has money and perceptive people can probably recognize that he would LOVE to hear something like "I'm surprised you didn't grow up in a black community. It's like you are black on the inside!" (lol) Of course, this would be a good way of getting in his good books and receiving any endorsement or connections he might have to offer. I say THIS from experience as well. I'd like to think I'm humble enough to recognize when someone is giving me false praise (or at least, what they THINK i would consider praise) because they want something from me.

BTW...didn't know you were a comedian. Any clips on youtube or something like that? Is it a side-gig or full-time endeavor? I spent most of my life pursuing music on the side while working so not trying to dismiss you if you're a hobbyist. Any names you can offer to check-out? I tend to like Louis, Pryor, Cosby type things which I'd guess could be characterized as story-based acts.