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Forum nameGeneral Discussion
Topic subjectListening to Neal Brennan talk about black people embarasses me.
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=13117479&mesg_id=13117502
13117502, Listening to Neal Brennan talk about black people embarasses me.
Posted by denny, Tue Jan-24-17 11:00 AM
Seriously...he's a shit hot writer so it's a shame. Someone needs to tell him....do an entire show without referring to your black friends and your perceived acceptance among black people. When he gets on that type of stuff...it's like his endearing himself to black people becomes more important than the actual comedy. And there's a very strange, almost karma-like phenomenon in which people who try THAT hard to be accepted by a group they don't actually belong to....inevitably, they end up saying something that is more offensive and insulting and demeaning to that group than anything said by someone who's indifferent to them and not trying to pander.

He's funny though. Excellent writing. He just needs to chill on the 'I'm one of the good whites' thing. There was one particular interview I read with him where he said some shit that was more racist and offensive (in my white opinion of course) than anything I've heard from Larry the cable guy.

Edit....damn I just went in search of some footage of him and the first thing to come outta his mouth 'Racially, I tend to side with black people....so they like me for that'. Close window lol. I mean...what the hell does that even mean? Racially I tend to side with black people. smh