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Topic subjectPlease don't report on the UK using the Daily Mail.
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=13105786&mesg_id=13107817
13107817, Please don't report on the UK using the Daily Mail.
Posted by TheAlbionist, Tue Dec-20-16 06:02 AM
You disqualify yourself from grown up conversation immediately when you use that shiterag to back one of your points.

He and She are not being banned in England. He and She will never be banned in England because we're not the mental caricatures of SJWs that the Daily Mail try to make out of anyone who isn't a swivel-eyed, neighbour-hating proto-fascist. The Daily Mail have been running stories about shit like that since anyone can remember, hell, they used to have a bit of a soft-spot for Hitler - it's all just a rouse to shoe-horn more intolerance and hate whilst making you feel like you're somehow doing "good" by marginalising yet more people.

They run the same stories calling black people thugs on the regular, but I imagine you're woke enough to spot the bullshit agendas there.

This type of story is exactly the reason the UK ended up voting for Brexit - every tiny story gets whipped up into a "THEY'RE DESTROYING OUR CULTURE!" rant.

You're helping them.

Fuck off.