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Topic subjecthaving to refer to racist p.o.s. as ''alt-right''
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=13105786&mesg_id=13106257
13106257, having to refer to racist p.o.s. as ''alt-right''
Posted by 2.tears.in.a.bucket, Thu Dec-15-16 08:35 AM

i'm all for having a filter but i think a huge problem is that pc-talk blots out alot of the gray areas of race & stereotypes in america.

i love fried chicken. and basketball. and jive talk. AND i shall not apologize nor be shamed.

my hispanic neigbor has a gold front tooth and a very large nuclear family.

my white male coworkers love saying homo-erotic shit to one another in mixed company.

sometimes shit is what it is. but that dont mean its ALWAYS like that. and more often than not, everyday folks are smarter
and way more complex than they're given credit for.

life is so much fucking easier when u keep the "i could be wrong door" open.