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Forum nameGeneral Discussion
Topic subjectBeing anti-PC is high hypocrisy
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=13105786&mesg_id=13106117
13106117, Being anti-PC is high hypocrisy
Posted by Ted Gee Seal, Wed Dec-14-16 04:45 PM
>I mean outside of the usual suspects saying "PC culture is
>ruining America" and meaning "I can't say what I used to say
>or say hateful things out loud...." I want to really
>understand what people mean when they say "PC Culture"
>some folks legit see it as a big threat which is

If people think they have the right to offend people the offended have the right to be offended and articulate why.

Being offended that someone has taken offense? Uhhh...

If the gripe is that the offended can now mobilise and snatch a person's job, the problem is capitalism and the way it bends to money rather than what is right.

Wanting a right to say whatever without being subject to dissent is Trump thought. People buying into that increase the justification Trump supporters feel about what they do.