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Topic subjectRight. Instead he went to "Black-on Black gun violence"
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=13066564&mesg_id=13067072
13067072, Right. Instead he went to "Black-on Black gun violence"
Posted by Boogie Stimuli, Sun Sep-11-16 05:38 AM
That's the only part I didn't like about this.
It's like it's a requirement for them to mention
Black-on-Black crime on there, no matter what
else they say. It wasn't as bad as usual,
since he touched on its systemic roots...
and it's possible he did it in that order as
a way of saying "here's the usual response,
but here are the reasons behind it."
I'd like to believe that's how he meant it, but
this platform has a reputation for blaming Black
folks even when they're the victims, so fuck it
I'm on high alert lol.