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Topic subjectRE: sure
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=13040224&mesg_id=13062189
13062189, RE: sure
Posted by astralblak, Fri Aug-26-16 08:24 PM
as I stated above, the premise is flimsy and unbelievable as hell. especially in light of this whole "Naz aint what he seems" angle they been taking. that to me is the writers not being clever but dishonest and just trying to play viewers for fools. this shit is 100 percent more interesting if we get this complex character from jump and then find him with a dead woman and he claims he didn't do it

furthermore, yikes at yet again killing another woman for narrative and providing her no backstory. sorry, as some one who really cares about representation, that shit is so typical and steeped in sexism. her backstory is fucn rooted in her aint shit ass stepdad, make it about her, HER. that's unique/interesting

which takes me to the BLACK PPL. for as much as legs and others wanna pretend it's not a prob, it is. For one when did NY get SO black (cinematically that is). there are Black folk everywhere and guess what they are all mean, angsty, conviving, evil Pieces Of Shit: all of em. Freddy for being interesting (and greatly acted by da gawd Michael K) is in the end a POS.

and then there is the Naz turn in jail. goodness. he done become a hard body, knows how to play the system long time jailbird REAL fast. come on B

and yet again, we can't have a woman, Chondra, not fall for Naz, or be lovelorn, do better writers...

then their is the art house procedural stuff... insert Bill Russell gif

this shit is C+ at best, but the last two episodes have been solid Bs