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Topic subjectI was legit bullied at work last week, I felt terrible about it. I'm 29
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=13058962&mesg_id=13058962
13058962, I was legit bullied at work last week, I felt terrible about it. I'm 29
Posted by kevlar skully, Fri Aug-19-16 09:05 AM
My new gig, we work in changing crews that travel to different cities towns for the gig. My first official day, I'm the only black person in the van & one of the old white cats is already speaking in stereotypical mocking black accent or whatever, so I was turned off dude immediately. Man we make a stop for gas and this ass HAS to point out to me specifically that McDonalds has a 'chicken & waffle' sandwich which is really and chicken mcgriddle.

He's coughing without covering his mouth and he's coughing a lot, too. At the job site, I just don't talk to him if I don't have to but I'm making small talk with the three other white folks. The oldest white dude keeps telling me stories and always finishes the them, but he's alright.

After the like 13 hours workday, we load back into the van but racist ass Gary is now sitting in the back next too me taking up the majority of the one backseat with his big ass. He is so fucking loud too, unnecessarily loud, we're all in this van right here. Motherfucker was doing bird noises for some reason, but I slept through that mostly.

When I'm walking to the van to get in, he's clapping his hands to hurry like I'm a dog or child or some shit. I get in the van and tell him to never do that again. He says sorry or whatever and sticks his hand out to shake but I "playfully"( meaning super sweet softly) slap his hand down.

Eventually he starts making jokes about sexually harassing me while rubbing my shoulder. It's clear I don't like dude and I'm uncomfortable as fuck but he literally says the words sexual harassment a few times while he's touching me.

Finally after 2 hour ride back to the city, I'm talking with the rest of em in the van. One dude is all excited about some cheese barn and promises to take me, I'm like cool but I think you're more excited than I am. Here come the asshole talking about "yeah the black guy doesn't want to go to the cheese barn". I don't say anything, the look on my face is visually annoyed but dude actually gets in my face and says "what are you gonna do, sue me?"

We we so close to the same studio, I was too happy to get out that van. But I felt like shit the rest of the night, thinking about what I should have said or done.

His ass is fired now, one of the bosses is a liberal white woman who thankfully doesn't play with this shit. The job is cool as fuck without him. He was making more money than me too.