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Topic subjectyes, but no two cities are the same size
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=13055583&mesg_id=13055663
13055663, yes, but no two cities are the same size
Posted by atruhead, Wed Aug-10-16 04:19 PM
Philly is about as dangerous as the bad parts of New York but it's about 1/4 the size
Philly is less dangerous but bigger than Camden where there are no good parts to speak of
Philly is bigger than Baltimore, DC and Boston

basically what Im saying is you can live in Philly comfortably away from the violence, so I dont agree with depicting it as a shithole. my only issue was I found it too small overall and there's a definite crab in the barrel mentality with people