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Topic subjectStill being cute.
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13055594, Still being cute.
Posted by Cold Truth, Wed Aug-10-16 03:32 PM
>>You call taking a hat off at the table “manners”.
>it is. again, look at all the responses to the question of
>"whats wrong with men wearing hats indoors/at the table"

It's not. I already explained my stance on that. Let's move forward.

>>I said it’s not manners, it’s appeasing the mob. I.e,
>>people such as yourself who see this as a significant issue
>>that requires someone else acquiesce to your archaic and
>>arbitrary demand for conformity.

>where did I say all that (you pointed out elsewhere,
>legitimately, that is not cool to misquote others)?

I didn't quote you.

Given your general defense of the "pro no hat" side of the fence, it's reasonable to conclude that you share that sentiment. Further, you haven't said anything to dispel that notion.

>that is very bizarre logic. well played.

It's logical logic. Well thought.

>you still didn't answer the question though..

You said:

"you see someone asking you to take your hat off at the table the same as a "mob"?

I answered that.

"serious question: is saying "bless you" after a sneeze mob mentality too?"

I'll answer this ridiculous question. Yes, but there's an entirely different connotation from the context of this discussion. How often do you see people going around bitching because someone failed to say bless you?

Anything that relies on social norms is essentially "mob rule", whereby people collectively decide on a particular custom should be followed. That's what we're talking about here. You're trying to be cute in picking apart the semantics here.

>the OP was about a specific person asking another person to
>take their hat off at the table during mealtime, I asked YOU
>why that got drawn out to being a mob?
>you didn't answer, directly anyway.

No, I answered very specifically.

>instead you went all ...wherever....

No, I answered. That answer is still there.

>so, from that indirect response is it fair (to you) to say
>that all what you typed (particularly the bit about "defintion
>of mob rule") is the equivalent of a YES response to my above

What questions? One I already answered the first and I answered the ridiculous sneezing question in this post. If there are more, please point them out.