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Topic subjectWow, that made perfect sense. In 1935. Are you 80 years old?
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=13055310&mesg_id=13055466
13055466, Wow, that made perfect sense. In 1935. Are you 80 years old?
Posted by Cold Truth, Wed Aug-10-16 02:06 PM
Do you just buy into everything you were told?

>I was told that a hat was a sign that someone was in transit.

Yeah, in 1953. Do you think baseball caps fly off the shelves because people are in transit?

>Wearing one inside shows that you don't plan on staying or
>don't really want to be there just like wearing a coat
>somewhere that you don't really want to be so you can get out
>of there faster.

No it doesn't. That's nothing more than an assumption made by easily offended people.

>I was raised that
>wearing a hat in someone's house meant you thought their roof
>was exposed or broken and you need a hat to protect you from
>rain or heat.

So.... superstition? You're naming really, really old time, uh, "thinking". People thought all manner of stupid and uneducated thoughts once upon a time. I'm happy to inform you that we've progressed.

Honest question: Do you think dude rockin a fitted thinks about your roof at ALL?

Answer: NO. NEVER. EVER. I don't care what you were told way back when. Nobody TODAY who wears a hat does so to protect themselves from your leaky roof unless that roof happens to be in a condemned building and he's inspecting the damn thing.

Seriously, this is the most absurd, outdated nonsense ever.

>The second, wearing a hat is like your jacket.
>Men wore hats to protect their heads from things like dust,
>dirt, rain, and snow.

Yes. In 1920. Once upon a time. Waaaay back when, old timer.

It's now evolved into a fashion accessory. Notice how you used the word "wore" and not "wear", because that's not a thing anymore.

>If you walked into a building, you took
>off your hat and hung it up so you weren't tracking that
>inside. It was considered a sign of respect after that.
>Y'know, don't wanna get gunk everywhere.

Next time you see someone wearing a hat, feel free to inspect it for "gunk". Seriously, do it. Film it. Show us all the "gunk".

Unless you're working in a coal mine or some shit this is 100% irrelevant.

Thanks for the history lesson and all, I understand the break down of why this custom WAS at one time..... but it's the wistful rambling of a sad old man longing for days long since passed in relation to why this ridiculous custom currently IS.