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Topic subject^^Perfect Trump supporter response
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13055066, ^^Perfect Trump supporter response
Posted by handle, Tue Aug-09-16 07:45 PM

>he's always said the " I don't know" bit. You're reaching to
>turn that into fuel for your fix.

No, he's done that all along because he's a despicable racist and wants to incite violence.
He wasn't joking when he said that 99.9% of immigrants are rapists. He's not joking here either.

>LMAO. So you actually want him to double down on it and say it

Yes, if he said what he meant then he'd at least being saying something.

Because if he DIDN'T mean to suggest that people with guns take action against a political rival - we'll he's not saying what he means anyway.

You attribute this to incompetence or stupidity - I attribute it to cynical political ruthlessness.

>It's not that I'm making excuses for him, it's that I have an
>objective perspective on the matter. That's difficult to grasp
>for a guy like you,a partisan blowhard outrage junkie on a
>bender with no ability or desire for such nuance.

See , that's EXACTLY Trump's playbook.

When people of different political ideologies starting questioingn his mental stability he immediately questioned their's back - and with a topper. -- They're either shills - or actually *they're the ones who are unstable.*

You did that exactly here. Bravo.

>Nah, you get the fuck out and suck my dick until you get some
>objectivity and the ability to discuss this reasonably.

You're either a strident ideologue (like Trump) or dumber than a big of shit (like Trump.)

I don't think you're an ideologue.