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Topic subjectI wouldn't be surprised if they never do establish who did it
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=13040224&mesg_id=13054810
13054810, I wouldn't be surprised if they never do establish who did it
Posted by mrhood75, Tue Aug-09-16 12:25 PM
I also wouldn't be surprised if they never show Duane Reede again.

Because now ol' girl and Stone can just provide a believable alternate theory of the crime to the court: Naz was passed out, backdoor was broken/forced open, someone who saw the girl immediately before the killing has a history of B&E and using a knife, they find blood outside the back door, wound on Naz's hand came from breaking open the front door, chain of custody for the knife is all fucked up, witness who identified Naz lied to the police, etc.

I imagine they'll eventually establish that the knife probably wasn't even the murder weapon. And there's something going on with that Deer's Head. They show it too often for it to not have anything to do with what happened.

I will say that no matter if Naz is found guilty or innocent, he's going to be found guilty of GTA. 'Cause, technically, he did that shit. That might be the deal they end up cutting at the end.