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Topic subjectu not the only one. i used to write. shit is depressing how bad it is.
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13050768, u not the only one. i used to write. shit is depressing how bad it is.
Posted by poetx, Fri Jul-29-16 08:34 AM
>as of late.
>It's like news has become less about objective reporting of
>facts and more about spin and keeping up pace

i can't really watch the regular network news (local) w/o the strong urge to cuss and throw something, when they be pulling that 'both sides do it' mess. or 'gotta hear both sides' (c) desus. that reached a peak during that death panels shit and it's like the republicans found a glitch in the system, b/c they could outright lie and make shit up but reporters would dutifully give them their airtime opposite whatever a dem said just to uphold the 'letter' of the law of balance.

>Sometimes it feels like theyre just copping each others
>headlines and tweaking to their brand of reporting before
>quickly pushing out to readers, just to avoid the late pass.
>Like.. fast food journalism.

well, that's another thing. i was more sensitive via following sports, and analyzing sports, b/c if you looked closely you could see how one view (based off a box score or poor analysis) propagated throughout all of sports media, truth be damned.

but yeah, it happens with regular news, too. best recent example was during melania's plagiarism. folks were couching their headlines in fraidy cat quotes. no. that shit was objectively, and unequivocally PLAGIARISM. own that shit. i RT'd a few news outlet headlines saying just that. b/c no one establishment wanted to be the first to call a spade a spade.
>I recognize this is probably a super uninformed take on what
>actually happens lol, but just comes across this way when
>checking my news feed.

nope. your gut is right. (or, at least matches my gut and only semi-rigorous observation, so we have our own mini-nexus of confirmation bias working).

there have been stories and studies written on the subject, btw. and the conclusions always seem pretty dire. i was aware of the phenomenon 10, 20 yrs ago, but the current state of it is kind of frightening when you consider that a lynchpin of functional democracy is an informed electorate.

and lets not even get started on the paid (and free) troll farms where ppl just spew bullshit to derail ANY semblance of a conversation about what really happens in this country. it's upsetting if you care at all.

>I know social media has completely changed the landscape, too.
>Guess I'm taken aback by how much it's affected quality.

i think sm has accelerated some aspects of it, but the seeds of destruction were planted w/ reagan era deregulation of media markets.

just like the seeds of cultural destruction were sown with same (consolidation of entertainment outlets warped development of hip hop, r&b, and exacerbated age gap in black community). same shit.

but yeah, social media has a multiplier effect on everything. some things good, and some things bad.

peace & blessings,



I'm an advocate for working smarter, not harder. If you just
focus on working hard you end up making someone else rich and
not having much to show for it. (c) mad