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Topic subjectkind of an alt/left reddit, where stories are voted up. good for breaking political
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=13050363&mesg_id=13050544
13050544, kind of an alt/left reddit, where stories are voted up. good for breaking political
Posted by poetx, Thu Jul-28-16 05:31 PM
news and links to sources, analysis, etc.

not as immediate as twitter (or okp in it's prime), but if there's anything going on in the realm of progressive (left of dem) politics, there'll be a couple diaries about it on kos. (pronounced KOSE, not chaos, as i initially thought when i started going there).

there've been some great schisms there. like during '08 when clinton's noxious Pumas were fighting a battle there which they eventually lost. and others on the further left get frustrated by markos credo of better and bluer democrats, which is kind of antithetical to the bernie or bust crew. they push hard for progressive politics, including full throated support of the creation of viable third parties, but from the top down, tend toward a pragmatic view regarding national electoral politics.

a few of the more famous posters / diarists there have spun off and done amazing thing. best example is former 'poblano', who is nate silver, who broke off and created 538.com (i think back prior to the '08 elections, before ultimately getting his whole squad on at the nyt, and now fivethirtyeight.com).

good place for in depth discussion of wonky shit.

peace & blessings,



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