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Topic subjectMedia compendium (let's rate and rank news sources)
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=13050363&mesg_id=13050363
13050363, Media compendium (let's rate and rank news sources)
Posted by poetx, Thu Jul-28-16 01:02 PM
i was originally gonna title this "OkayUK, Help me out!" and ask my tea & crumpet ni&&as to remind me of which of the papers over there are real and which are full of shit. i be getting them confused sometimes.

but then i thought, folks over there (and in other places) might have the same concerns.

this was after i saw some dumb shit on fb that was from like tmzworldnews.com

news is a consumer product now, and there are a lot of uninformed consumers. a ranking and rating by one person is gonna be prone to bias. but if we can list a news outlet, and then multiple ppl post up their opinions of them underneath (like the always 600 plat rate this poaster poasts we used to have), a consensus should emerge, at least among the okp cognoscenti.

so, i propose we list each outlet, and then people write underneath their opinions of the outlet.

for example

New York Times
- Mainstream. Centrist. Traditional news outlet - poetx
- rightwing rag. don't tell truth about chemtrails - wokebruh2020

Washington Post
- Mainstream. Centrist. Traditional news outlet - poetx

Washington Times
- super rightwing. Moony paper. - poetx

- to the right of fox news. don't poast no shit from here and think i'm clicking - poetx

Huffington Post
- used to be okay. definition of clickbaity. left of center, generally. lot of they stuff isn't really researched. did i mention clickbaity af? - poetx

if we get enough people to do this, it should hopefully, in aggregate cancel out individual bias. and folks from different places, or who are unfamiliar with an outlet have some semblance of deciding whether a news source is reputable or not, and whether there is a real (or perceived) bias that should be corrected for.

then triptych can run his magic on it, and make it a resource that can be used outside of okp.

b/c frfr, our people perish for lack of knowledge. but it's more counterfeit knowledge out there right now than fake MK bags, and it's only getting worse. fixing the political issues require an informed electorate (and an informed protest class, tbh).

what say you?

peace & blessings,



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focus on working hard you end up making someone else rich and
not having much to show for it. (c) mad