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Forum nameGeneral Discussion
Topic subjectThe new Ghostbusters is harmless fun. Take your little girls.
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=13042274&mesg_id=13042274
13042274, The new Ghostbusters is harmless fun. Take your little girls.
Posted by bwood, Fri Jul-08-16 04:33 PM
Yo this shit was funny for the first half of the movie Leslie Jones, Kate McKinnon, and Chris Hemsworth has me rolling. But the jokes then lose steam in the second half of the movie.

There's ten minutes in the climax where the four ladies are working together Avengers style to fight the ghosts and that was cool.

The ghosts look cool.

Even though the screening was a nightmare to endure from beginning to end and Sony had no idea what the fuck they were doing, the IMAX 3D presentation was dope as fuck. I liked that they played with the widescreen frame and 3D in unique ways. I sat through the end credits and it said they specially formatted for IMAX.

Speaking of the end credits and wild entertaining and make sure you stay till the very end.

The cameos and fan service was wild arbitrary though.

Most importantly tho, this introduces GB to a new generation and girls now have heroes to look up to. I'd gladly sit through two more of these.