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Topic subjectYou are not doing him any favors
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=13029752&mesg_id=13035321
13035321, You are not doing him any favors
Posted by Lurkmode, Sun Jun-19-16 08:23 AM

>Nah....Denny was never on it like that.....His whole thing was
>using history as his guide....He often times made the
>connection between late Toronto mayor Rob Ford and the rise of
>Trump. And in a sense his instincts were correct....Ford's
>outright racist tone and doing-too-much behavior was a
>template for Trump's take over of the GOP...

When Denny makes comments like this

"Trump is pretending to be racist"

"there is no trace of any anti-hispanic sentiments in his past"

"he was a prominent, out-spoken, media-focused public figure for 30 years before he ran for president. Overnight....he switches from someone who barely EVER said anything about race to someone who ONLY talks about race."

" Compare the Trump public persona in 1995 to current day. They are two completely different people. He's a blank slate."

"And in 1973, he discriminated against people of color in his real estate business because of money. If he could profit by dealing with POC...he would've done so."

he is not using history as a guide. His instincts are not correct, he is stating the obvious. Trump is running on racism just like Nixon with the Southern Strategy, Goldwater, Reagan and Bush. How is trump taking over the GOP when they are running from him ?

>I think the stumbling block with Denny on Trump....The
>political dynamics in the US have always been more partisan
>and extreme than Canada.
>But I don't think Denny WANTED Trump to win....That was never
>his angle....

Why is he giving trump a pass ? The quotes above say it.