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Topic subjectwell there are multiple things happening.
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13032303, well there are multiple things happening.
Posted by Mr. ManC, Thu Jun-09-16 01:18 PM
1. I am a Bernie supporter but I am not beholden to "Bernie". My endorsement of his candidacy is more about his policies than just the man himself.

2. Other persons have similar positions to Bernie Sanders politically, so I can use my vote on them if I want to vote my conscious. But this is about one man having a "tantrum" and not voting for Hillary. This is about many people being dissatisfied with the coronation process of the DNC, and not accepting Hillary vs Trump as a real choice. It is about making a concerted landable punch for progressive issues.

3. There are more elections at stake than just the Presidential one. We are sort of like the Browns right now. We didn't get the quarterback we wanted in the draft, but we have a lot of holes to fill. We can still elect a progressive Congress which is the best approach in pushing actual legislation.

4. Right now, I would love for Bernie to team with Jill Stein (as her VP) so that we can keep progressive issues on the platform of the general election debates. Jill can face off with Hillary as to what an actual progressive woman looks like, and Bernie can face off with Elizabeth Warren, where she can tell him why THEIR stance on the issues is wrong.

I actually feel pretty liberated, and I have been in the Democratic Party longer than Bernie. I hope he gives no fucks.