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Topic subjectRE: Trump won't make it past his own convention? What are you talking about?
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=13031834&mesg_id=13032005
13032005, RE: Trump won't make it past his own convention? What are you talking about?
Posted by murph71, Wed Jun-08-16 03:26 PM
>I had to make sure this wasn't posted 2-3 months ago

Have u been following the news? There is at the moment an outright mutiny bubbling since Trump made those comments about the Federal judge...Trump even did something that he NEVER did in the primaries...Dude attempted to tone it down, kissed a little GOP ass, and read from a teleprompter to at least "appear" like he wasn't a Democratic PLANT sent to destroy the Republicans....

There are now GOP senators and party leaders outright saying that they will not support Trump in November....The GOP national party is imploding very slow...

Trump could get away with the racist, crazy talk and running off script in the primary...Now that he's in the general he is nose diving....

The GOP is shook...