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Topic subjectHere's the problem with that though...
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=13031834&mesg_id=13031921
13031921, Here's the problem with that though...
Posted by Marbles, Wed Jun-08-16 11:55 AM
>With all of these folks running away from him now, it seems
>like the play is in to get his ass outta the way when the
>Convention rolls around. They let him hang himself with the BS
>comments about the judge. The camel's back is broke and they
>want his ass gone.

None of the other clowns they rolled out have a snowball
s chance of beating Hillary. Despite his rhetoric, Trump is the only one who is even close to her in the polls. They need him to win in order to have an ally in the White House. They're going to hold their noses and continue to back him.