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Topic subjectYou don't have to be stupid to be racist.
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=13029752&mesg_id=13031872
13031872, You don't have to be stupid to be racist.
Posted by Buddy_Gilapagos, Wed Jun-08-16 11:06 AM
Donald Trump sounds like the older Brooklyn, Staten Island white guys I work with who bitch about Obama and De Blasio, thought Rudy Guiliani was the greatest mayor, and think Cam Newton and other black athletes should shut up and be grateful for the money they are making now. Alot of these are smart guys, but alot of them hold plenty of racist beliefs.

These dudes say racist things all the time, and while sometimes, the know it's not PC to say, they don't think it's racist, they think it's just telling it like it is.

Donald Trump doesn't think he is saying racist terrible shit, he think he is saying what every one else is thinking but to scared to say. That's why he think he is popular. Hell, that's why he IS popular. He is saying what alot of people are thinking and scared to say.

He isn't some evil genius who thinks, well I'll say dumb racist things now and rally the base and get free coverage and then tone it down for the general election.

No, he is a 69-year-old guy who tends to think about the world in the racist misogynistic way 69-year-old privileged white guys tend to think of the world. Saying what he has probably has said 1000 times in private conversation with other older white men.

>His wife and kids are highly intelligent. Listen to his wife
>talk....you think someone who is that articulate spends her
>time with someone who sounds like Trump during his campaign

Yes. Alot of beautiful smart women get with crude rich guys all the time.

His kids I am sure are smart enough and sound smart because he can afford to send them to great schools.

Just listening to his wife and kids talk you could
>tell that his whole persona is a sham. He's playing a
>character. He is not that stupid.

I say you give him to much credit because the way you describe it he isn't really racist so much as saying racist things as part of an election strategy.

I'll say it again. I had a classmate that went to work for him and she said dude was a sociopath. Worst person she ever met and I don't doubt it one bit. It ain't an act.

"Everyone has a plan until you punch them in the face. Then they don't have a plan anymore." (c) Mike Tyson

"what's a leader if he isn't reluctant"