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Topic subjectThey're not mistakes though.
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=13029752&mesg_id=13031744
13031744, They're not mistakes though.
Posted by denny, Wed Jun-08-16 02:52 AM
Insomuch that they are deliberate. I can see what you mean but I'd call it 'pivoting' before I call it a mistake correction. He's not feeling his way through this. EVERYTHING about his campaign has been completely calculated. You might agree with that and it's just the semantics that I'm trying to clarify here. But it's not like Trump has thought to himself: 'Hmmm...maybe I should change the way I'm talking about issue X'. It's moreso that even when he was making those 'mistakes'.....it was a set-up for what was to come later. He's playing chess. Any change of tone that might be happening now was planned from the get-go.

And lowering the bar has certainly been part of the plan too. He needed to set-up an extreme position so that he can play out a redemptive narrative to get moderate conservatives on his side.

The fact is.....EVERYTHING he is doing (and has done) is working perfectly. He's got his finger on the pulse of the American paradigm and manufactured a frankenstein of anti-intellectual populism. Charlie Sheen, Kanye West, Rob Ford, the way that people socialize on the internet. I'm obsessed with what I perceive happening. These are the seeds of facism. Logic and reason and articulation are viewed with suspicion. The general population seems to have an increased hypnotic allure to strong-man tactics. I'm convinced that this is a by-product of growing income inequality. An entire culture living with the despair of clinical depression.

I'm terrified. Not just of a Trump presidency. But of what seems to have been laying dormant in the undertones of American culture....and how that might manifest even if Trump doesn't win.