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Topic subjectI've come to the conclusion that working with women is just better
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=13020196&mesg_id=13020196
13020196, I've come to the conclusion that working with women is just better
Posted by Buddy_Gilapagos, Thu May-12-16 09:56 AM
for me. I think I would say in general as a man, it can be better working with women.

I've spent alot of my career working for older white men and that has been the pits for me (however, my wife always thrived working for older white guys, especially older jewish guys).

The boys club is real and black men aren't necessarily in that club (they can be but it's a certain type of black dude (i.e., jock-type).

It might be sexist to say but women colleagues tend to be more collaborative, less ego driven and even nurturing.

However, there is one huge exception. The childless driven careerist who had to fight her way through the boys club. That woman scares me. The same goes for the childless male boss but they are rarer (There was this one gay dude boss I know and he was brutal).

All that being said, the hardest I ever had to work for was a woman of color who lived for work and set out to get me fired when I wasn't willing to work like her.

What say you? Do you have any generalizations about who you like to work for?

"Everyone has a plan until you punch them in the face. Then they don't have a plan anymore." (c) Mike Tyson

"what's a leader if he isn't reluctant"