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Topic subjectand shooting video
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=13019101&mesg_id=13020053
13020053, and shooting video
Posted by Flash80, Wed May-11-16 07:58 PM
>Like, right behind me, because it reflects off my glasses.
>After I asked nicely and suggested she get closer, or take her
>video recording aspirations seriously and get some real
>equipment and a real gig doing that kind of work.

exhibit A why i attend less and less concert these days (aside from getting older).

some asshole 20-something a couple seats away from me held up his ipad the ENTIRE fucking time when i saw jurassic 5 last year. yay, you're shooting video that you'll forgot a couple weeks from now anyway after all your friends have *liked* it.