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Topic subjectBacking into the old man at day care who blocks the driveway
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=13019101&mesg_id=13019491
13019491, Backing into the old man at day care who blocks the driveway
Posted by Cold Truth, Wed May-11-16 09:50 AM
Not really old but I’d say he’s about 50.

I’d say he’s done this about twenty times in the five years I’ve been taking my daughter to daycare. This idiot will park his fucking car in front of the driveway parallel to the street knowing full well there’s a car in the driveway. There have been times where I’d be walking OUT with my daughter as he pulls up and he starts walking IN as I’m putting her in her car seat.

He’s either stupid or extremely absent minded but the fact that I’ve had to point out that I’m about to leave and ask him to move his car in situations where it’s crystal clear drives me up the wall. I want to floor the gas and t-bone his ass.