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Topic subjecti thought the shit in the middle on the dems was even better
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=13018880&mesg_id=13019304
13019304, i thought the shit in the middle on the dems was even better
Posted by rob, Tue May-10-16 10:50 PM
especially axelrod kinda taking it personally.

i don't think people really are woke to what's going to happen these next few months.

the democratic party is so focused on not losing campaigns that they're in this downward spiral of not governing and, somehow, not winning elections too.

ain't shit happened in years that didn't come from obama or the courts.

people are damn near gloating at the republicans kinda tearing themselves apart, but there's NO CHANCE the dems are going to take advantage of that. they're not positioned to contest for the vast majority of offices.

there's NOTHING on the table in terms of democratic legislative priorities or a vision for this country. literally nothing. the platform is "we aren't going to be able to replace or fix the broken shit, but at least we can keep them from throwing it away."

and there's a very real chance they're going going to lose all the contested elections in the senate, in the few available governor spots, and even (somehow) for president.