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Forum nameGeneral Discussion
Topic subjectWhere have you been for the past 12 - 15 years?
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=13017987&mesg_id=13019286
13019286, Where have you been for the past 12 - 15 years?
Posted by CaptainRook, Tue May-10-16 09:21 PM
>His public information on dr. Sebi.

Dr. Sebi's court case in New York in which he proved that he healed AIDS, among 8 other diseases, is legendary.

Which independent body
>has it been audited and reviewed by?

The 1000's of independent bodies that came to him in a state of dis-ease, with little or no hope (because conventional doctors had written them/their condition off) and left him healthy, happy human beings.

>And explain the difference between being killed and dying to

Dying is more or less a natural death; being killed is usually caused by an entity/somebody outside of the individual, that/who prematurely hastens their death.

>Are you implying that people who undergo conventional medical
>treatment for a chronic illness and die while under said care
>are killed by doctors?

THEY ARE SAYING that being treated by doctors leads to the patients' death, to the tune/point of being the 3rd leading cause of death. The illness (chronic or whatever type of illness) didn't kill the patient; the doctor's treatment is what killed the patient.

I'm saying that there is little to nothing that conventional medicine can do to actually heal you of your illness. The best that they can do (or even attempt to do) is to mask the symptoms. They even tell you that many of the prescribed medications can make your overall condition worse, even TO THE POINT OF KILLING YOU.

>And are you saying that nobody under Dr. Sebi's treatment has
>died? And if they died why isn't that he killed them?

I'm not saying that no one has died while under Sebi's care; but I'm sure that what he did, did not cause or hasten the patient's death. Some people wait until the last minute to go to Sebi, when death is all but imminent. At that point, there is nothing Sebi can do to save them and if THAT equates to killin' 'em, well...even if you accept as the case, Dr. Sebi's rate of "killed" patients is still not even remotely comparable to that of conventional medicine's rate of killing.