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Topic subjectList is long
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=13019101&mesg_id=13019131
13019131, List is long
Posted by Teknontheou, Tue May-10-16 03:28 PM
- Knocking cups of coffee out of people's hands. Coffee culture annoys me and I hate seeing people slavishly drink it.

- Knocking cigarettes out of people's hands as I'm walking behind them, down the street. Folks think the smoke instantly evaporates, but it doesn't. I basically can't breathe if I'm with 25 ft. of someone's who's smoking up ahead of me.

- Attacking people who blow their car horns for reasons other than to avert imminent danger.

- Being the vocal, unsolicited arbiter of who's right and who's wrong when two people get into conflict in public places.

- Yelling at people to control their children when the kids are being unruly and invading my personal space.

- Attacking people who don't use turn signals at intersections.

- Attacking people (vast majority are white) who walk without looking in the direction in which they're walking. Like looking off to the side, or drifting into the middle of the sidewalk without paying attention to someone approaching.

- Attacking people who insist on walking along the yellow platform strip in subway stations.

- Attacking people who walk the length of subway cars and/or pass between subway cars.

- Telling Eastern European immigrants who clearly don't wear deodorant and probably don't bathe daily that they reek.