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Topic subjecthow many doctors do i know?
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13018667, how many doctors do i know?
Posted by akon, Mon May-09-16 10:40 PM
>BTW, I peeped that you didn't even bother to address my
>questions in post 83. I wonder why...

probably 30+
at least those are the ones i can claim to have worked with closely
(and im talking medically trained, not just the ones who affix dr. to their name
without having any knowledge of even basic chemistry or biology
and no, not just U.S trained)

how many have saved lives? all of them
and because death is a factor of life, there are also people they have been unable to save
now, do you know why HIV is today considered a chronic condition, unlike when it first hit?
you dont?: medication.
now, is there a cure for HIV/AIDS. not yet. im waging to bet its coming
we are far better at suppressing the effect of HIV than we ever were
the issue now is how to get rid of the virus in the last reaches where it 'hides' (e.g. the brain <- if you knew some biology you would know why this is difficult)

is dr. sebi curing people of HIV and Aids?
tell us more

i like this game
over to you
how many doctors do you know?