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Forum nameGeneral Discussion
Topic subjectThere's a logic gap I can't get my head around here.
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=13016420&mesg_id=13017984
13017984, There's a logic gap I can't get my head around here.
Posted by denny, Sun May-08-16 04:47 PM
He wouldn't be prescribed enough opiates to die from. His prescribed dosage wouldn't be that high. That's what leads me to think this is primarily an addiction issue.

People who use pain meds WITHOUT getting addicted don't typically OD or die from using them because they take the prescribed amount. For him to die? He almost HAS to be cheating. And cheating to an EXTREME extent.

And then...if one argues that maybe the pain was 'so great' that he NEEDED to do an amount that could also kill him via overdose? Well...then obviously that prescription is not a viable form of treatment. Again, people who take prescribed drugs for pain without falling into addiction don't die from them.

Look....chances are he was taking more than ten times the prescribed dose and probably even more. He had been given a save-shot of Narcan just days before. This scenario doesn't just suggest addiction...it screams it. That, of course, is not meant to be disrespectful because I work with a basic premise that drug addicts are not immoral or 'at fault' for their addictions in the first place. I sense that the reluctance to treat this as an addiction issue (they called an addiction specialist shortly before he died!) seems more an indication that one doesn't really respect drug addicts....and doesn't want to categorize someone they care about with them.